Juhee Lee

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Today we created a cup-a-phone.
My pal was my best friend Kim.
Mrs Jane said to choose. So I chose Kim.
We started to make the cup-a-phone.
It was very difficult to push the string into the cup.
So I told Kim to push it for me.
It was easy to put it through the cup.
But when Kim said it was hard, I helped her.
Now we went to the atrium to chat using the cup-a-phone.
I chatted to Kim "if we put the string loose we cannot hear".
We went to the top and talked, but it didn't matter.
When Mrs Jane grab the line, we didn't hear anything.
I was a thinker because I told Kim if the string was loose we cannot hear each other.I was a risk-taker because I learned about a new things.I learnt that we can hear it. when it isn't a hand phone.
It was great. It was exciting. It was a great activity because we can talk to each other using that I made.

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At May 13, 2007 at 9:02 PM , Blogger Jane in Java said...

Awesome work Juhee 10/10!

At May 14, 2007 at 6:42 AM , Blogger Joshua Hutabarat said...

Hi....Juhee. Your blog is well made. Well, your explanation about cup-a phone is in a proper words and clear enough to understand.$_$ (= 0 (: *_* (=P


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