Sunday, May 27, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The Character Parade

Today was the Character parade day.
I was Tinkerbell.
I was so nervous that I shook my legsssssssssssssssssss.
I was so excited too..............
I got very scared.
When I came into the GYM my legs were like ice!
As I presented the Tinker bell I was so nervous!
I performed it llike this:
I am Tinkerbell from Peter pan.
I live in Never Land.
I have a wing that can make me fly!
I hate Wendy, who is a show-off girl.
But I saved Wendy from the evil Captain Hook.
When it was trophy time Aditya, Joshua won!
I was so merry about them.
I hope they are merry too.........
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Ibu's Shirley's Game2
Get a scroller sign at
I was a thinker because I tried hard to find the answer.
The game is about Perimetre and area.
Area means the line of a thing and perimetre is finding what is the whole thing.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Indonesian traditional instrument

Name: Angklung
Where did it come from: It comes from Bandung, West Java.
Angklung is made out of two bambo tubes.
How to play it: you put your hands on two bambo tubes and shake it.
How to play it: We need to have a stick and we need to hit it with the stick.

Name: Gamelan
Where did it come from: it comes from Java.
How to play it: We need to hit it with a stick.
Ibu Rosalina Sagala

Name: Kulintang
Where did it come from: Southeast Asia.
How do we play it: We need to hit it with a stick.
Name: Uning Uningan.
From: Suku batak (Sumatra)
How to play it: We can hit it with a stick and we can blow it.
From: Ibu Rosalina Sagala